
Profiles of Success



Chip has one of the most unique backgrounds in all of PPLSI. As a professional high diver and aquatic entertainer, Chip has performed and produced shows in 22 countries, from Canada to Australia and from Hong Kong to Dubai. In 1979 he won the coveted Acapulco Cliff Diving Championships in Mexico as seen on television. He had an amazing way of life, travelling and enjoying the different sights, sounds, people, and cultures. Google his name (Chip Humphrey) and you will see actual high diving footage on YouTube.

When Chip was introduced to PPLSI he was teaching physical education at Sebastian River High School, coaching two sports, married with two children and he was working on his master’s degree. He was very busy. “I loved teaching, but I did not love the salary. I wanted to make more money. I was also looking for a way to supplement my future retirement goals!”

He became an assistant principal at Vero Beach High School in Florida and earned a decent salary, but he was still working hard to grow his PPLSI business, and Chip earned his $100,000 Ring while he was still an assistant principal! In 2015, he was inducted as a PPLSI Millionaire Club Member! “That was proof that I needed to focus on my business! I retired and now I work my PPLSI business from anywhere, helping others with this opportunity.”

Chip is extremely grateful to have known Mr. Stonecipher and will be a PPLSI crusader for life! Chip still leads a very active life, enjoying surfing, scuba diving, fishing, snowboarding, skiing, kite boarding, tennis, and golf. He loves to travel around the world to exotic locations and enjoy the sights, smells, sounds, animals, history, culture, food, and people!